Advanced product filter
Fast product search
With Elasticsearch the products searching is 3x faster.
Raw data flows into Elasticsearch from a variety of sources, including logs, system
metrics, and web applications. Data ingestion is the process by which this raw data is
parsed, normalized, and enriched before it is indexed in Elasticsearch. Once indexed in
Elasticsearch, users can run complex queries against their data and use aggregations to
retrieve complex summaries of their data.
Custom plugin
We created a WordPress plugin that syncs the stock and prices of the WooCommerce
with IDEX (International Diamonds Exchange) XML feed.
It synchronize data on daily bases - delete old products, update changed and insert new
products. Admin can change the price margin, tax, shipping and additional fees all from
plugin settings.
Product Page
Unique custom list view giving all the information for the product. The title consists of product attributes. You can also find useful information about the percentage discount, SKU and the thumbnail of the certificate.
There are many options like: Add to wishlist, Multiple shipping rates,Multiple VAT rates, Filtering by different criteria, Taxonomy filtering.